This collection captures information about the 2017 local elections in Luxembourg between 1st January 2017 to 1st January 2018.
Seed list
Selective coverage on social media, with up to 3 captures for Facebook seeds and up to 6 captures for Twitter seeds.
Extensive coverage on election related websites and civil interests between 1 and 5 captures per seed.
Broad coverage on online news media with one capture per individual news article.
Foreign Websites
Very few seeds outside the .lu domain.
No research on foreign websites.
What we captured
Why capture the elections?
Elections are perfect examples for events of national importance. They are open to a variety of public interests and are the object of scientific analysis in different fields, such as political, historical, sociological or cultural studies.

Call for participation
In order to work against the uncertainty of missing important sources, we invited all political parties to send us their lists of relevant websites in a call for participation. We enquired about:
– The online presence of the political party,
– The online presence of politicians and candidates,
– Institutions and organisationsconsidered as informative and relevant to the elections,
– Sites, groups and forums where informative and pertinent discussions are taking place. The returns from both calls for participation in 2017 and 2018 were quite sparse. The Luxembourg Web Archive wants to encourage external input and for stakeholders to take part in the building and curating of special collections. For instance, we collect news articles about civil interest groups, their demands and comments in relation with the elections. Based on these news reports, we try to archive their websites and in some cases social media pages. If there are no press conferences and no news about an organisation’s involvement in political debate, these seeds might end up missing from the collection. No collection is complete and no capture of a website is perfect. If you have any suggestions or about any part of our collections, please let us know about it!

Want to see more?
If you want to browse the Luxembourg Web Archive and view the archived versions of the sites contained in this collection, we are happy to invite you to the National Library of Luxembourg, where all contents of our web archive are accessible from our working stations and devices connected to the BnL Wifi.
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